It's all about words or anything I see in life.
That filling my soul and written on my mind.
Just to feel what I feel.
It's all about describing MY MIND and MY SOUL
Life is hard. But It's Harder If You're Stupid!!

Ayu Wening

Shout The Host!

Monday, December 04, 2006 

Giliiing bersama

A Chat Conversation, with A crazy mentally disorder friend

You currently appear offline to cokagung2001.
cokagung2001: gi ngapain?? :x

wening_ayu: >:P

cokagung2001: lho ko ada

cokagung2001: kirain nda OL he he he he

cokagung2001: becanda aja kok yuk...

cokagung2001: abis nda pernah nongol sich ho ho kih

wening_ayu: wening_ayu is now offline

wening_ayu: the system will automaticly reply your messages

cokagung2001: duasar

wening_ayu: you can chat with the automatic system

cokagung2001: emang aing anak kampung bisa ditipu he he he he

wening_ayu: or you can try to buzz wening_ayu some other time

cokagung2001: ye ye ye ye he he he he

cokagung2001: kok automatic system bisa cemberut ya????

wening_ayu: thank you for your message to wening_ayu

wening_ayu: but so sorry wening_ayu is now too busy to have a chat with the fans

cokagung2001: harigato

cokagung2001: weleh weleh gi strees yo bu??

cokagung2001: gi dimana ayu wening!!!!

wening_ayu: wening_ayu declined to receive your message

wening_ayu: please be more patient

cokagung2001: udah mati ya automatic systemnya??

cokagung2001: ya udah aku juga mau ngaktifkan sistem automatic....

cokagung2001: cokagung2001 is now offline

cokagung2001: change to automatic chatting system

wening_ayu: wening_ayu said that she is on her work in her office

wening_ayu: wening_ayu asked the automatic system to filter the message

cokagung2001: thank you for communicate with automatic chatting system

cokagung2001: cokagung2001 is now busy....

cokagung2001: please wait in a few minutes....

wening_ayu: wening_ayu rejected to chat with crazy human

wening_ayu: especially mentally disorder people

cokagung2001: warning too many vocabulary sending

cokagung2001: system error

wening_ayu: so sorry that you (unfortunately) had the spesific characteristics that wening_ayu rejected

cokagung2001: you are talking with automatuc system

cokagung2001: you are talking with automatic system

wening_ayu: warning!! incompetence user detected

wening_ayu: replace user

cokagung2001: cokagung2001 description and profile

cokagung2001: handsome alias ganteng

cokagung2001: cakep alias ganteng

cokagung2001: smart alias pintar

cokagung2001: confirmation to change user

wening_ayu: user lying detected

wening_ayu: please reboot your system

cokagung2001: ayu_wening cabut dulu yo he he he he

cokagung2001: galak banget euy jadi takut nich ho ho ho ho

cokagung2001: duasssrrr

begitulah.. menjadi giling bersama teman! Di tengah penat pekerjaan (atow gada kerjaan.. piss Boss ^-^).

Moral of the story: bekerjalah dengan giat dan benar, sebelum Anda menjadi gilaa..

warning!!! the blogger reader is getting unidentified content, please replace as soon as possible with appropriate ones.... zzzZZZZZZZ

*walah... tambah puyeng deh gw...*

Mwahaha *ngakak*
Si cok masik gila yah yu..
Ko orang itu ngga sembuh2 yah. Dasar manusia aneh :))

so sorry for the misunderstanding
please recharge your account soon

---> tambah aneh!!

cok? weeek jangan ditanya.. sakit jiwa deh dia mah!! rekan2 kerja di sini banyak yang resah dengan keberadaan dia heuheuheu

---> lari dari timpukan cok

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