It's all about words or anything I see in life.
That filling my soul and written on my mind.
Just to feel what I feel.
It's all about describing MY MIND and MY SOUL
Life is hard. But It's Harder If You're Stupid!!

Ayu Wening

Shout The Host!

Saturday, March 18, 2006 

A month after

A month ago,, u went away.. to catch ur dreams,, a big step forward to ur brighter future and ours I hope,, Amin!! Since the day,, I am all alone here. I know,, Im not truly alone coz u’re always there whenever I need,, and u’re always here.. right on my heart!

Then life’s getting harder,, and harder. It’s like I’m losing my soul,, I can’t think bout anything but u!! Then finally I realize,, I love u more than I ever thought. Babe,, I miss u!

I miss u every night and everyday. And I hate being alone like this. But I’m so Thank anyway! I’m already happy,, with what we’ve had,,, what we’ve been through,,, and how strong the love we feel to each other.

Now,, a month after,,, I feel much better,,, much stronger,,, and much happier also!! Now I know,, it’s just the obstacles we must pass,, and WE WILL.. Amin!!!

hehe,,, mungkin tidak semestinya gw nulis ini diblog.
maafkan teman-teman!!

Blow up teruss.....
*Do the same thing as you do to our fried hehehe*
What are you going to write for the next Post ?! "Pitra Nikah yuk.." gyahahaha.

heu,, makanya gw ralat neh di komen.

btw,, tapi kan kami hanya orang biasa! secara mereka adalah artis dan kami rakyat jelata..

ayuuuuu,,,, garinkkkk!!!

pada ngomongin apa sihhh?? masih kecil ney.. jadi belom tau..

*daripada ga ada kerjaan, nge-junk di blog orang..*

heu baca dulu dunk post-nyah!!

byasa aja deh aawwhhh!!!

gw kan juga rakyat biasa..

BLOW UP teyuuus yuk!

heh,,, ternyata dLa baca???

ampun delll ^_^

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Well done!
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