It's all about words or anything I see in life.
That filling my soul and written on my mind.
Just to feel what I feel.
It's all about describing MY MIND and MY SOUL
Life is hard. But It's Harder If You're Stupid!!

Ayu Wening

Shout The Host!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

why did I often get trouble with Mrs. PhD ??

that's a really funny FACT. At least twice in my life time I got trouble with woman lecturer, and both of them had PhD degree! And the problem was always the same : (unfair-in my opinion) SCORING!! Here's the complete story *I hope it aint the 'emotional' version*

First one
A year ago. We were given a task to write down a naration about our dream jobs, we choose a proffesion and give the reasons why. So I wrote a naration, how I love engineering, what subjects I like, and which proffesion I choose. The funny thing is, someone did the task based on mine. But guess.. I got B and that someone got A?! Feel that it was so unfair I called the Mrs. PhD, and bad things happened.. She SCREAMED right on my ear, said something so.. uhh.. painfull!! Yes.. it was, so.. so.. *I'm hurt again remembering that moment*. Then I met her at her desk to 'defend' my work, I just wanted to know 'why' I got only B grade. U know why? She didn't have any responsible or logic or acceptable reason. So I concluded, she just didn't want to change the score, she would not let other see her as 'lecturer that had missed scoring task'. Finally she said "U know? the word 'DAN' (in Indonesia) should not be placed in front of sentence. Thats why u only got that score!!". Ohh,, are u kidding me??

Second, and I hope the last
I made my java work. By my own *and of course with help from some friends to TEACH*!! I made almost perfect,, with complete modelling,, error handling,, powerfull dbms,, and so on. But why I got the lowest score?? How stupid *sorry.. kidding*
The thing is, it's not making sense.. others didn't make any modelling *even class diagram*. How can we code in java which is fully OBJECT ORIENTED without making the class diagram before?? How can they do the work without even understand the OBJECT CONCEPT?? The world must be CRAZY if it happened. But it did happen.. so,, can u all say that her *she refers to the second Mrs. PhD* SCORING is FAIR?!! Dude,,, I let u judge!!

sorry.. I think that's the RUDE version.. I'm so sorry,, if I hurt someone's feeling. So sorry, I dont mean to,,,,

Yah namanya juga PhD nya orang indonesia. Jarang yang mau koreksi. Klo di koreksi dianggapnya nangtang. Yah bagaimana pu juga lu harus udah siap ama yang ginian Yu :D

Yeah.. I used to think that I would not get 'anything' from those courses, but in fact, I learned one important thing!! that life's tough.. and u cannot ask everybody to love u. even how hard u try,,,u do all the best u can do! there's always someone (or more) says "u're not good!!". But diamond is always diamond,,, no matter what they say.. no matter how bad they try to let me down!! I'll stand up again,,, I have to take revenge!!!

take a breath deep... *sabar... sabar...*

wening, i'm right behind you..!! if there's another task that i could help.. then we'll do it beyond their imagination.. hwahaha.. :D

yeah!! diamond is diamond.....
but...what you really see in a diamond?

did you say diamond is something precious in your statement?

did you say diamond is the most beautiful item on earth?

if you say so... I think the Miss PhD you talk about is right for better score. In some situation, modeling before coding isn't the way to solve problem.

And if you say again that diamond is diamond... please think again.

By the way, who is she?


maksudnya,,, kalopun seseorang ituh baik, ga semua orang akan bilang dia baik.. mungkin kebaikan ituh ga dilihat sama sebagian orang tertentu..
jadi yg namanya diamond akan selalu diamond,, karena kebaikan seseorang tidak ditentukan oleh apa yg dilihat/dinilai orang lain,, tapi ditunjukkan kualitas seseorang itu..

ps: ada loh yg nilainya bagus hanya karena pinter menjilat..
ada juga yg tetep idealis untuk tidak perlu segitunya,, jadi nilainya pas2an

ayu nulis semua ituh karena ayu liat,, justru yg jago2 *sering ngerjain project java, berpengalaman, dll* dan lebih qualified nilainya tidak memuaskan *di kuliah itu*.. aneh kan??? malah yg konsep objek aja ga ngerti bisa dpt nilai A!! intinya bukan coding dulu atau modelling dulu.. tapi mungkin gituh bisa dibilang jago java *dapet nilai A*,,, ternyata konsep class & java aja ga ngerti...

ayu kuatir sama kualitas lulusannya nanti,,, secara kita ini kuliah s2. di tempat yg bukan 'ecekk.. ecekk..' *one of best institutes in Indonesia*,,, jangan2 terlalu bangga sama gajah duduknya sampe lupa kualitas itu harus dipertahankan!!

btw,, thx 4 visiting n leaving ur comment

memang seh, diamond akan tetap diamond..

saya rasa cerita yg wening jabarin seperti di atas kayaknya bukan barang langka lagi deh.

Gua seneng opini ini dateng dari wening yg notabene salah satu komponen penggerak dinamisme jurusan kampus gua. Setidaknya wening punya 2 sudut pandang.

Sekedar melepas sebuah idealisme..
Yang 'penjilat' wening maksud gua rasa merupakan sosok trend saat ini deh. Lantas mo digimanain lagi, parameter seorang dosen kadang berbeda dengan mahasiswanya untuk arti sebuah ilmu.

Saya rasa, diamond jaman sekarang bukan diamond berbentuk fisik seperti yg saya tangkap pada statement wening. diamond jaman sekarang lebih cenderung ke sebuah bentuk yg diharapkan dan dibutuhkan publik.

sebagai contoh aja seh, air di padang pasir akan menjadi sebuah diamond karena situasinya...padahal dia hanya sebuah air.

Dan mereka yang 'penjilat' atau apalah itu, mengkamuflasekan diri seperti sebuah diamod....karena mereka melihat bahwa parameter sebuah diamond itu sendiri berbeda tiap orang.

(kok ngomong gua kgk jelas gini, masih terlalu pagi kali yah??)

gua harap seh, wening bisa mengantisipasi kondisi ini di kampus kita. sori kalo ada yg nyinggung, sepertinya sudah jadi darah daging...hehehe

He..he..I know that Mrs.PhD (u/ case ke-2)...Yuuu...
Emang rada2 ajaib sih nilai2 kemaren.

**Kalo aku sih...kecewa di OSK, sedikit...cuma gara2 hapalan aku jeblok...semangat programming aku lgsg jatuh...tuh...tuh...**

Not only u...aku jg rada2 ga ngerti kenapa kok bisa... para "penjilat" atau yg project-nya dikerjain orang lain (tp bangga banget pas sukses install bikinan orang...pake heboh sedunia) dapat yah segitu itu...

Kebanggaan krn tetap idealis & bener2 kerja & belajar keras tuh lgsg hilang g tau ke mana.

Tapi...kadang2 udahlah g usah mikirin terlalu gmana2 juga.
Mereka juga ga mikirin, Yu...

Setidaknya...aku...kamu...g perlu ikut2an jadi "penjilat" atau jadi "orang yg bangga karena sukses maksa orang buatin project-nya"

Meskipun...God...knp selain S/W engineering...aku kok kebagian...waaa...ada tuh...yg itu...itu...

Udahlah...semangat Yu...
Do our best aja...
insyaAllah ga bakalan rugi ini...

I dont understand all of you.. why should someone go to school and study hard just to get a high score!!?? What is the meaning of education then if only high score that you care about.

If you were really a diamond then wake up, do something, make something usefull and give it to the world! Because the real world doesnt see what score you got but what do you give. Huuhh...!!

@tukul arwana or whatever its name

I'm not complaining about the SCORE,,, I'm complaining about the FAIRNESS!!!

please READ carefully!!!
thank U!!

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