It's all about words or anything I see in life.
That filling my soul and written on my mind.
Just to feel what I feel.
It's all about describing MY MIND and MY SOUL
Life is hard. But It's Harder If You're Stupid!!

Ayu Wening

Shout The Host!

Friday, May 19, 2006 

Me and My Friends, on the Saturday Night

Actually, I prepared this topic to be my speech on Wednesday Meeting in my office. But, I think it’s also proper to be posted here.

Last weekend, I met my friends. We’re friends since we were in college. We now work! One for Telkom Indonesia, One for Siemens, One for Bank Danamon. And one is still looking for job, now she’s trying to be an employee of Bank Indonesia *wish u all the best Sis!*. And I, work for STTTelkom.

The gathering began with the ‘say hi!’.
Then continued with the conversation about our job! Finally, we talked about salary. I already know, my friend who works for Telkom is paid about X times from my salary. And the siemens’ employee said that 3 years from now, she will be paid not less than X millions! What a great amount.. Ooh, I hated the situation!! I hated ur jobs and the fantastic payment.. *really poor me*! Thank God they understood when I said indirectly ‘I dont wanna talk about it, please!’

The gathering continued with the dinner.
While waiting for the foods, we talked again. My friend in Bank Danamon told us about her work environment. She had been many times beaten and back-stabbed by her partners *I mean, FAKE partners*. Even the Boss did some tricks to let her down. Others said that it also happened to them. Indirectly they said: ‘Sometimes we need to deal with the situation. Every thing is fair in LOVE and WAR. Well, this is a war! EVERYDAY IS A WAR! U have to kill them, coz u if don’t.. they’ll kill u!!’.. Waaa,, sounds not good! Then I said, ‘I don’t find such kind of things!’, and they answered ‘U are different. Academic environment is different, right?’. I began to realize, how lucky I am. Of being here, of working her. Of having great and supportive colleagues.

The conversation continued,
My friends who work in Jakarta told me that they always go to the office at 7 AM and come back home at 8 PM. Many times they must work overtime. Well, it’s the another disaster.. they must spend almost all the day working. What about if u already had family? Husband? Or babies? TRAGIC!! I can’t live with these way of life.. I cant! I wanna see my babies grow up. I wanna tell story every night before they sleep. Again, I realized how lucky I am, working in not too demanding institution. Just do teaching, then I’m free.. I still can have time to do blogging ^-^ I can wear jeans and sandal jepit! I don’t need to be ‘always pretty’. I’m free to speak about anything. I’m free to express what’s on my mind! My boss is my best friend.. we often talk about our personal life. Oohh what a lovely job and loveable friends! I’m happy here.. even the payment doesn’t satisfy me, it doesn’t really matter! Well I don’t work for money.. Anyway, I’m not working here, I’m having fun! So much fun!

And the most important things..
I always love being a student.. yeah I know, weird hobby ;-) and being a lecturer gives me a proper and PERFECT reason for me to get higher and higher degree ^o^.

To be a lecturer always be my dream since I was a kid. And now, the dream came true.. Alhamdulillah! So the question is, how long I’ll be a lecturer for STTTelkom? Well, I haven’t decided. I love working here but I don’t think it will be forever. One day, I’ll have to compromise with the situation. I’ll have a family : husband & children. If my husband works in other town.. then I’ll set my priority: I have to move! I hope I can be here longer, but I also pray for ‘no-longer single’ status heuheuheu =p

One thing I learned:
“Sometimes money can bring us happiness!
But in many times, happiness cant be bought only with money!”


wah.. blog nya jadi adem.. :)

hmm.. yeah, you're right!! lucky you..
kerja 8-17 (dan keluar rumah 6.30-20.00!!) itu berat dan boring..!!

tapi it's my choice.. and i like my job right now.. (i guess :P)

but something that i dont agree with you being a lecturer. you're late..!! kan enak klo pas kuliah dulu dapet dosennya ibu ayu.. keke.. :P

bersyukur ama apa yg kita punyain itu emang susah.
lebih gampang mengeluh daripada menikmati.
klo mereka menikmati apa yg mereka kerjain, well... good on them.. "happiness is successfully spending your life your way" and not to mention, enjoying it

alhamdulillah.. 2 tahun gw kerja tapi ga pernah ada kompetisi yang sekejam itu.. mungkin karna prusahaan tempat gw kerja, ga gede-gede amat.. dan gajinya pun ga gede-gede amat juga.. hehe..

tapi gw suka situasi gw skarang.. gw berhenti dari kerjaan gw, setelah gw mendapat begitu banyak pengalaman kerja.. dan skarang gw tinggal mempersiapkan untuk menjadi seorang ibu rumah tangga yang baik.. hehe.. coz i prefer to stay at home with my childrens.. watching them grow.. teach them how to live this life..

daaann.. dengan adanya pengalaman kerja.. itu suatu keuntungan bwat gw.. jadii.. jika suatu saat suami gw membutuhkan gw untuk bekerja.. i'm ready work again..

oiya.. satu lagi.. tambahan..

success is to get whatever we want..
happiness is to love whatever we get..

so.. kalo kata penyiar OZ bilang..
do what you love..
love what you do..

tapii.. klo kata ade gw bilang..
uang memang bukan segalanya..
tetapi segalanya butuh uang..

hihihihi.. apaaa coba..

sebenarnya ga complain sama jam8-5.
tapi bisa ngurus anak ga yah?? tapi gw siap kok kalo kepaksa harus kerja full time gitu.

yah.. kayanya mereka enjoy sih! Im glad that they're happy.

2 taun, kalo buat gw belum cukup (ato gw yg telat belajar?). good for u.. salut! lu bisa ngambil keputusan kaya gitu, bener2 ibu yang berdedikasi.
tapi inget,, ibu bekerja bukan berarti dia tidak bisa mendidik anak looh! gw sih niatnya pengen mendedikasikan ilmu gw untuk kemaslahatan umat.
it's all about priority, and woman's ego.. ya ga?

to all:
hobby ternyata bisa menyiksa juga..
gw hobby kuliah,, skrg pas dikejar banyak deadline mehee mehee juga=(

You yang penting sekarang mah banyak2 bersyukur, da ga mungkin segalanya berjalan sesuai keinginan kita. Jalani yang udah ada, sambil lirik kanan kiri kali2 aja ada kesempatan yang lebih baek. Dan yang penting, "Stop complaning" ga berguna.
Klo ustad bilang mah harus Qonaah dan istiqomah, nah dari depan istiqomah belok kiri trus lurus dikir, ntar ada tukang timbel enak geura...hehehe

well young lady, lemme give ya a statement..
"If I had options to choose my wife, I would prefer the educater one."
Lucky your spouse.. ;D
Your children would be educated well and understand the principal of live... and one more important thing..civilized!
FYI, many companies nationwide have various situations. Lucky you, the environment in ST3 is not as bastard as in the "Gajah Duduk" one. There, ppl strive badly to topple each other.
Anywei, compared to me.. Being working in MNC-danish-based company robs your time a lot. But I enjoy the situation here..
Dear, we do need money.
But, you gotta understand too that...there is sumthink money CAN'T buy...

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